Primary Residential Mortgage

When it comes to the mortgage business, there is no substitute for experience. There are no college degrees available, and even if there were they would be obsolete in no time. There are hundreds of loan programs available, each with its own set of nuances, and the rules are constantly changing. Without the guidance of an honest and experienced loan officer, the odds of someone picking just the right program are against them.
Here at Primary Residential Mortgage in Colorado Springs, we're aware of the importance of experience, and as a result the branch managers personally handle each file. Their guidance and sincere concern for your best interest, combined with their experience will insure you're presented with the best options for you.

Here, briefly, are the Colorado Springs Branch Managers and their experience in the lending business.

Jerry Yoder entered the lending business in 1985, where he spent time at a bank working in their construction loan department. After working in collections and billing, he gained experience working with builders and buyers on new construction projects. Overseeing the financing of these projects gave him insight into a side of the business that most mortgage loan officers are unfamiliar with. He brought that experience with him when he made the transition to mortgage loans in 1990.
John Walker’s experience in lending goes back to the late 1970’s when he worked for a finance company. Since then John has added banking, escrow, and title experience to his resume. As a result, he brings a wealth of well rounded real estate experience to every transaction he's involved with. If you need any help with anything remotely connected to lending, John's sure to be able to help.
Jerry and John teamed up in the mid 1990’s to form a partnership that is still going strong today. Since your home loan will most likely be the biggest debt of your life, doesn't it make since to let the most experienced team you know guide you through it?